Wind F4-5 Occasionally 6

That's the forecast we've heard for a while now. it's still the same for the next 48hrs.

I lookd out of the tent door at 7am. The sea was white, the sky was grey and I thought "we're going nowhere today". By 9am it had dropped a little and we were on the water.

When we could, we hugged the coast, dodging the wind but the rest of the time we just battered into it. we ate a lot! Eggs & trout for breakfast at MacGreggors Roadsouse, Craignure. Fish & chips at Fishnish ferry terminal. Full, we wobbled across to the Morvern shore in shelter then battered north.

Took ages and a lot of landing and investigating to find a camp spot. Ironically, after battering wind all day we're camped with not even a whif of breeze, so the midges are out.

Where's rhe F4-5 gusting F6 when you need it?