Glenuig Inn - Eco Kayaking Base

This shell of a building used to be the Glenuig Inn. Must have been a heck of a party!

Actually, the Inn is undergoing full-on refurbishment. The sea kayaking owner Steve MacFarlane is turning it into an environmentally friendly base for all sorts of activity on Scotland's west coast.

Earlier this week, Steve gave us a tour of the premises. In time his heating will come from solar and from burning waste wood, only topped up with electricity from local windfarms.

He spent a great deal of time explaining how his heating system worked. Much of the detail went over my head, but Liz seemed to understand.

Then we talked electrics. The entire place is lit with LEDs using an astonishing, computer controlled system. I think I understood this better.

(Oh, by the way, this is what the Inn looked like before the men with hammers came to visit.)

Unlike normal lighting, the LED lights are not on the same circuit as the switches. They're run together by computer wire which goes back to a mini-computer.

The normal looking switches also lead into this circuit board. Each switch can be programmed to operate any LED or group of LEDs. The output for an entire, large room is less than one 100w bulb!

Steve liked it so much he is now the UK importer for these LED systems and is building up a useful fund of knowledge. Who know, that might be a second business once the Inn is up and running.

On a previous post about Glenuig people commented nasty things about Steve. Please don't. Thanks.