We recently took two of our crofter friends out kayaking for the first time.
Naturally, we picked our favourite local paddle (see SeaKayakRoutes.com).
Starting at Dorlin, the location of Castle Tioram, we explored various parts of Loch Moidart.
Loch Moidart is certainly no secret paddling destination and is frequetly used by groups.
Launching at high water, we could have circumnavigated Eilean Shona.
However, I was slightly worried about swell on the outside of the island, this being the first time in a sea kayak for our friends.
Instead we went around Riska Island, out the south channel to some skerries, and back the way we came.
But not before we stopped for lunch at the superb lagoon at the entrance to the north channel.
Here we spent ages lazing about on the grass.
This was not a full-on kayak trip!