In what I think is a 'first' for kayak media, Justine Curgenven is now selling her films as digital downloads through her website Cackle TV.
Is this the future? Check out the comments below and please contribute your thoughts.
Justine helped me enormously when I was struggling to understand how to make a DVD. Now she has taken the next step and I really, really hope it works for her.
Two films, shot some time ago in SD but not included on DVDs, are for sale at 99p each.
Her new, 32 minute, HD award winning Islands Of Fire is priced at £5.99.
Is this the future of media distribution? It would certainly be easier for me than stuffing DVDs into padded envelopes!
Yet I'm struggling to assess the scale of this market, based on my own experience (or prejudice). While I might download an individual track or two on iTunes, if there's an album I want, I buy the CD online. I like to have something physical for my cash. Am I alone in this?
Why not buy Justine's latest film online and then see if the download route works for you. And if you can take the time to let me know what you think, I'd be hugely grateful.