We're changing the way we offer Download versions of the Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown series of instructional films to make it easier and to give our customers more choice. We also have to comply with a new tax law in the UK.
We are sticking with Digital Goods Store, but instead of them simply providing the background technology which made the downloads work, our partners at DGS will handle the whole thing from sales to support.
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There will be new features too, and these are being added so fast if I list them here they'll have changed by the time you read this.
It should be an improved customer experience.
There will be new features too, and these are being added so fast if I list them here they'll have changed by the time you read this.
It should be an improved customer experience.
Volume 3 will (hopefully) be available to download later in 2015. If you're wondering why the delay, here's the reason.
I have one concern about the new system.
In the past if a customer experiences a (rare) download problem it's me who fixes it.
I usually manage to do this very fast.
From now on it will be DGS who provide that support and, even though they are good, I'm slightly worried about relinquishing customer relations.
I usually manage to do this very fast.
From now on it will be DGS who provide that support and, even though they are good, I'm slightly worried about relinquishing customer relations.
The simple fact is I don't have a choice due to a change in the VAT law.
If others continue to sell Downloads in the old way then they're breaking the law which changed on 1st Jan 2015.
If you wish to read about those changes DGS has the best explanation I could find on its website.
I know Stephen and the team there have burnt lots of midnight oil to get the new system up and running.

If you wish to read about those changes DGS has the best explanation I could find on its website.
I know Stephen and the team there have burnt lots of midnight oil to get the new system up and running.
Any problems, my email address is on the new webpage for customers to contact me directly.